Accelerating Open Banking
Instantly connect to any bank account to facilitate the payment process using Zūm Rails data aggregation capabilities. Eliminate the need for manual processes by allowing your customers to enter their financial account credentials once using automated data aggregation. Use the financial data collected to view critical insights, conduct statistical analysis, enhance the underwriting process and make better business decisions.
Connect your client's financial accounts
Securely connect to your end user’s bank account to validate end users. Plus, analyze and manage their aggregated financial data, all from one place. You can view:
- Know-Your-Customer (KYC) details (name, address, email, phone number)
- Bank account information (account, transit, institution number)
- Real-time account balance verification to ensure funds exist before debiting an account
- Option to retrieve 3 or 12 months time period of transaction history
- Financial health reporting and actionable insights to allow informed decision making
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+1 438 802 1314